howdy !

much love

my name is alleyways1. i've been recording and performing as Alleyways since 2021. i guess time moves slowly because it feels like it's been a lot longer.
welcome to my website. it's very basic, i know. there's two reasons for this: the main one is that i wanted a minimalist site that is both simple to interact with, yet winding like a trail with splitting paths. the other reason is that i'm not very good at html, though if i decide i want to make a more traditional website then i'll probably teach myself more. i wanted to use this website as a way to share my music, but i also wanted to use it as another avenue of creative expression. the "about" section of the website is more or less a public journal, of a sort.
if you'd like to know about my taste in music, here's an old topster i found from a few months ago. content warning: it's a topster, yikes. things have changed since i made it but it's accurate enough. if you want a better idea of what influences my own music, here's a short list:

that's just off the top of my head, and maybe a little biased towards what i've been listening to lately.
my instagram is @alleyways_music, if you want to follow me there. if you're in the DFW area, come out to a show! i don't perform very frequently, but i'm planning on doing more shows in the near future.

also, this website is in a webring now. "transing the internet" so to speak. isn't that just nifty ?